This occupation is found in small, medium and large organisations in the public, private or third sectors and in all areas of the economy including health, finance, engineering, manufacturing, business and professional services, education, retail, leisure, technology and construction. Senior Leaders are a key component of all types of business model where there is a workforce to lead, manage and support. The broad purpose of the occupation is to provide clear, inclusive and strategic leadership and direction relating to their area of responsibility within an organisation.
Typically, this involves setting, managing and monitoring achievement of core objectives that are aligned to the overall strategic objectives of their organisation’s Board. In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with internal stakeholders such as members of their team, other senior leaders/managers, support services (for example: finance, marketing, HR) and project groups and, in larger organisations, they may be part of a wider specialist team.
24 Months
This is a level 7 programme some employers may require a level 6 qualification/degree in the relevant field. However, there are no statutory requirements for the admission for this level.
On-programme Assessment
Compiling portfolio: video/audio extracts (these should be a maximum of 5 minutes in length), written statements, project plans, observation reports, presentations, feedback from managers/supervisors or peers (any employer or peer contributions should focus only on direct observation of evidence (for example witness statements) rather than opinions, papers or reports written by apprentice and performance reviews
End Point Assessment
Assessment method 1: Strategic business proposal, presentation with questioning. Involves the apprentice completing a relevant and defined piece of work that has a real business benefit
Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence.
Once all students have completed the apprenticeship, they will have the opportunity to go into the MBA/MA/MSc top up programmes or go into the following sectors: Associate director, Business unit head, Chief executive officer, Chief financial officer, Executive director, Divisional head.
Currently due to COVID 19 we are teaching online learning. All of our classes are conducted through online Microsoft Teams or Zoom. All of our assessments are also submitted through online systems and feedback is provided to the learners. If any learners will need extra support, we will provide 1-to-1 tutorials to meet their learning needs. However, we will move towards campus-based studies upon the government guidelines and needs of our employers and apprentices.